samedi 4 août 2007

01 Entête du journal d'Henry Hudson

An Abstract of the Journall of Master H E N R Y H U D S O N .,

for the Discoverie of the North-west Passage,

begunne the Seventeeth of Aprill, 1610.

ended with his end,

being treacherously exposed by some of the Companie.

02 Ce qui reste du journal d'Henry Hudson

He seventeenth of Aprill, 1610. we brake ground,
and went downe from Saint Katharines Poole,
and fell downe to Blacke-wall :
and so plyed downe with the ships to Lee,
which was the two and twentieth day.

The two and twentieth, I caused Master Coleburne to bee put into a Pinke,
bound for London, with my Letter to the Adventurers,
importing the reason wherefore I so put him out of the ship,
and so plyed forth.

The second of May, the wind Southerly, at Eeven
we were thwart of Flamborough Head.

The fift, we were at the Iles of Orkney,
and here I set the North end of the Needle,
and the North of Flie all one.

The sixt, wee were in the latitude of 59. degrees 22. minutes,
and perceived that the North end of Scotland, Orney, and Shotland
are not so Northerly, as is commonly set downe.
The eight day, wee saw Farre Ilands,
in the latitude of 62. degrees 24. minutes.
The eleventh day, we fell with the Easter part of Island,
and then plying along the Souther part of the Land,
we came to Westmony, being the fifteenth day,
and still plyed about the mayne Iland,
untill the last of May with contrary winds,
and we got some Fowles of divers sorts.

The first day of June, we put to Sea of an Harbour,
in the Westermost part of Island,
and so plyed to the Westward in the latitude of 66. degrees 34. minutes,
and the second day plyed and found our selfes in 65. degrees 57. minutes,
with little wind Easterly.

The third day, wee found our selves in 65. degrees 30. minutes,
with winde at North-east, a little before this we sayled neere some Ice.

The fourth day, we saw Groneland over the Ice perfectly,
and this night the Sunne went downe due North,
and rose North North-east. So plying the fift day,
we were in 65. degrees, still encombred with much Ice,
which hung upon the Coast of Groneland.

The ninth day, wee were off Frobishers Streights with the winde Northerly,
and so plyed unto the South-westward untill the fifteenth day.

The fifteenth day, we were in sight of the land,
in latitude 59. degrees 27. minutes,
which was called by Captayne John Danis, Desolation,
and found the errour of the former laying downe of the Land :
and then running to the North-westward untill the twentieth day,
wee found the ship in 60. degrees 44. minutes,
and saw much Ice,and many Riplings or Over-fals,
and a strong streame setting from East South-east,
to West North-west.

The one and twentie, two and twentie, and three and twentie dayes,
with the winde variable,
we plyed to the North-westward in sight of much Ice,
into the height of 62. degrees 29. minutes.

The foure and twentie, and five and twentie dayes,
sayling to the Westward about mid-night,
wee saw Land North, which was suddenly lost againe.
So wee ranne still to the Westward in 62. degrees 17. minutes.

The fift of July, wee plyed up upon the Souther side,
troubled with much Ice in seeking the shoare untill the fift of July,
and we observed that day in 59.degrees 16. minutes.
Then we plyed off the shoare againe, untill the eight day,
and then found the eight of the Pole in 60. degrees no minutes.
Here we saw the Land from the North-west by West,
halfe Northerly unto the South-west by West,
covered with snow, a Champaigne Land,
and called it, Desire provoketh.

We still plyed up to the Westward,
as the Land and Ice would suffer untill the eleventh day;
when fearing a storme, we anchored by three Rockie Ilands
in uncertayne depth, betweene two and nine fathomes;
and found it an Harbour unsufficient by reason of funken Rockes,
one of which was next morning two fathomes above water.
Wee called them the Iles of Gods Mercies.
The water floweth here better then foure fathomes.
The Floud commeth from the North, flowing eight the change day.
The latitude in this place is 62. degrees 9. minutes.
Then plying to the South-westward the sixteenth day,
wee were in the latitude of 58. degrees 50. minutes,
but found our selves imbayed with Land, and had much Ice :
and we plyed to the North-westward untill the nineteenth day,
and then wee found by observation the height of the Pole
in 61. degrees 24. minutes, and saw the Land,
which I named, Hold with Hope.
Hence I plyed to the North-westward still,
untill the one and twentieth day, with the wind variable.
Heere I found the Sea more growne,
then any wee had since wee left England.

The three and twentieth day,
by observation the height of the Pole was 61. degrees 33. minutes.
The five and twentieth day, we saw the Land;
and named it Magna Britannia. The sixe and twentieth day,
wee observed and found the latitude in 62. degrees 44. minutes.
The eight and twentieth day,
we were in the height of 63. degrees 10. minutes,
and plyed Southerly of the West.
The one and thirtieth day, plying to the Westward,
at noone wee found our selves in 62. degrees 24. minutes.

The first of August, we had sight of the Northerne shoare,
from the North by East of the West by South of us :
the North part twelve leagues, and the Wester part twentie leagues from us :
and we had no ground there at one hundred and eightie fathomes.
And I thinke I saw Land on the Sunne side,
but could not make it perfectly, bearing East North-east.
Here I found the latitude 62. degrees 50. minutes.
The second day, we had sight of a faire Head-land,
on the Norther shoare six leagues off,
which I called Salisburies Fore-land :
we ranne from them West South-west, fourteenes leagues :
In the mid-way of which wee were suddenly come
into a great and whurling Sea,
whether caused by meeting of two streames, or an Over-fall,
I know not.
Thence sayling West and by South seven leagues farther,
we were in the mouth of a Streight and sounded,
and had no ground at one hundred fathomes :
the Streight being there not above two leagues broad,
in the passage in this Wester part :
which from the Easter part of Fretum Danis,
is distant two hundred and fiftie leagues there abouts.

The third day, we put throught the narrow passage,
after our men had beene on Land,
which had well observed there,
That the Floud did come from the North,
flowing by the shoare five fathomes.
The head of this entrance on the South side,
I named Cape Worsenholme;
and the head on the North-wester shoare,
I called Cape Digs.
After wee had sailed with an Easterly winde,
West and by South ten leagues,
the Land fell away to the Southward,
and the other Iles and Land left us to the Westward.
Then I observed and found the ship at noone in 61. degrees 20. minutes,
and a Sea to the Westward.

03 Entête du récit d'Abacuk Pricket

A larger Discourse of the same Voyage,

and the successe thereof,

written by A B A C U K. P R I C K E T .

04 Lien vers Abacuk Pricket


05 Défense de l'avocat des accusés

These things thus premised touching Hudsons exposing,
and Gods just judgements on the Exposers,
as Pricket hath related (whom they reserved as it thought, in hope
by Sir Dudley Digges his Master to procure their pardon at their returne)
I thought good to adde that which I have further received
from good Intelligence,
that the Ship comming aground at Digges Iland, in 52. degrees 44. minutes,
a great flood came from the West and set them on floate :
an argument of an open passage from the South Sea to that,
and consequently to these Seas.
The Weapons and Arts which they saw,
beyond those of other Savages are arguments hereof.
Hee which assaulted Pricket in the Boate,
had a weapon broad and sharpe indented of bright Steele
(such they use in Java)
riveted into a handle of Morse tooth.

06 Introduction de deux documents

For asmuch as this report of
Pricket may happely bee suspected by some,
as not so friendly to Hudson and his,
and therefore may seeme to lay heavier imputation,
and rip up occasions further then they will beleeve,
I have also added the report of Thomas Wydhouse,
one of the exposed Companie,
who ascribeth those occasions of discord to Juet.
I take not on mee to sentence, no not to examine;
I have presented the Evidence just as I had it:
let the Bench censure, hearing with both eares,
that which with both eyes they may see in those and these notes;
to which, I have first prefixed his Letter to Master Samuel Macham.

07 Lettre d'Islande à Master Mackam

ster Macham, I heartily commend mee unto you, &c.
I can write unto you no newes, though I have seene much,
but such as every English fisherman haunting
these Coasts can report better then my selfe.

Wee kept our Whitsunday in the North-east of Island;
and I thinke I never fared better in England then wee feasted there.
They of the Countrey are very poore, and live miserably :
yet we found therein store of fresh Fish and daintie Fowle.
I my selfe in an after-noone killed so much Fowle,
as feasted all our Companie, being three and twentie persons at one time,
onely with Partridges; beside Curlue, Plover, Mallard, Teale, and Goose.
I have seene two hot Bathes in Island, and have beene in one of them.
Wee are resolved to trie the uttermost, and lye onely expecting a faire winde,
and to refresh our selfes to avoyd the Ice, which now is off the West Coasts,
of which wee have seene whole Ilands, but God bee thanked,
have not beene in danger of any.
Thus I desire all your prayers for us.
From Island this thirtieth of May, 1610.

08 Entête de la note de Thomas Wydowse

A note found in the Deske of Thomas Wydowse,
Student in Mathematickes,
hee being one of them who was put into the Shallop.

09 Note de Thomas Wydowse

THe tenth day of September,
1610. after dinner,
our Master called all the Companie together,
to heare and beare witnesse of the abuse of some of the Companie
(it having beene the request of Robert Juet)
that the Master should redresse some abuses and slanders,
as hee called them, against this Juet :
which thing after the Master had examined and heard with equitie
what hee could say for himselfe,
there were prooved so many and great abuses,
and mutinous matters against the Master, and action by Juet,
that there was danger to have suffred them longer : an dit was fit time to punis hand cut off farther occasions of the like mutinies.
It was prooved to his face, first with Bennet Mathew
our Trumpet upon our first fight of Island, and hee confest,
that hee supposed that in the action would bee man-slaughter,
and prove bloodie to some.
Secondly, at our comming from Island,
in hearing of the companie,
hee did threaten to turne the head of the Ship home from the action,
which at that time was by our Master wisely pacified,
hoping of amendment.
Thirdly, i twas deposed by Philip Staffe our Carpenter, and Ladlie Arnold,
to his face upon the holy Bible,
that hee perswaded them to keepe Muskets charged,
and Swords readie in their Cabbins,
for they should bee charged with shot,
ere the Voyage were over.
Fourthly, wee being pestered in the Ice,
hee had used words tending to mutinie,
discouragement, and slander of the action,
which easily tooke effect in those that were timorous;
and had not the Master in time prevented,
it might easily have overtbrowne the Voyage :
and now lately beeing imbayed in a deepe Bay,
which the Master had desire to see,
for some reasons to himselfe knowne,
his word tended altogether to put the Companie into a fray of extremitie,
by wintering in cold :
lefting a tour Master hope to see Bantam by candlemasse.

For these and divers other base slanders against the Master,
hee was deposed; and Robert Bylot,
who had shewed himselfe honestly respecting the good of the action,
was placed in his stead the Masters Mate.
Also Francis Clement the Boatson, at this time was put from his Office,
and William Wilson, a man thought more fit, prefered to his place.
This man had basely carryed himselfe to our Master and to the action.
Also Adrian Mooter was appointed Boatsons mate :
and a promise by the Master,
that from this day Juets wages should remaine to Bylot,
and the Boatsons overplus of wages should bee equally divided
betweene Wilson and one John King, to the owners good liking,
one of the Quarter Masters,
who had very well carryed themselves to the furtherance of the businesse.
Also the Master promised, if the Offenders yet behaved themselves henceforth honestly, hee would bee ameanes for their good,
and that hee would forget injuries, with other admonitions.

10 Source: Samuel Purchas

Banque:UQAM - Université du Québec à Montréal
Auteur: Purchas, Samuel Bouquiner(2 notices)
Titre:Henry hudson's voyages Bouquiner : from purchas his pilgrimes
Éditeur: : University Microfilms International Ann Arbor, Mich. , 1966
Collection: March of America facsimile series Bouquiner(92 notices) ; 19
Numéro:LC 66-26304
Type et supp.:Imprimés
  • Pp.566-611. Fac-simile de l'edition de londres 1625
  • Sujets: Hudson, Henry Bouquiner(2 notices)

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